Category Archives: Trip Reviews

Trip Reviews

Mary Keough

Mary Keough & Robert Walker


We had the most amazing time. Never been on a cruise before and never been to the Bahamas before. It was our honeymoon and the crew and staff made it the most memorable trip we have both ever been on.
Brantford Ontario

Trip Reviews


Bobby Aquila Virgil Leger

We had an awesome trip!! We stayed in Honolulu for 4 days and 3 nights with accommodations at the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel. The hotel was very well located as it was in front of Waikiki Beach and very close to Diamond Head.

Moncton, New Brunswick

Trip Reviews


James & Krissy Taylor

Our trip to Florida was Simply Amazing! My wife and I are newlyweds as of Aug.29/15 and we’re on our honeymoon for this trip. Everything went so perfectly. Sure there were ups and downs, but the ups far surpassed any downs. We wouldn’t have changed a thing. The entire process went off without a hitch, and our booking agent was incredibly helpful. Many thanks to Odenza and the Odenza team for making our dream a reality. Cheers!

Brampton ON 

Trip Reviews


Bonjour Quentin!

Quel beau voyage nous avons fait!  La croisière était superbe, les spectacles de danses étaient excellents, les comédiens au club de comédie étaient vraiment bons et la nourriture servie aux repas du soir étaient digne de 5 étoiles!  C’était vraiment super et encore un gros merci de nous avoir assisté avec les arrangements.

à Bientôt!

What a great trip we did! The cruise was beautiful, the dance performances were excellent, the actors in the comedy club were really good and the food served at dinner were worthy of 5 stars! It was really great and a big thank you again for having assisted us with the arrangements.

See you soon!

Danielle Godfrey

Gatineau, QC